目前分類:藝術類書籍 (3)

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~ 克捷圖書精選原文書籍 - The Art of Ian Miller ~

31.5 x 23.5公分 / 159頁 / 全彩印刷精裝本
定價美金34.95 / #特價890元(免運費)

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Featuring over 300 pieces of artwork spanning decades of Ian's work, this collection is a treat for all lovers of great fantasy art - from Lovecraft novel covers to Tolkien bestiaries to Warhammer 40,000 concept art, through a veritable trove of gothic humour, fantasy battles, dragons, beasts and a world of nightmarish visions.

這個系列將超過300件藝術品, 包括幾十年的伊恩的作品, 是一個對所有偉大的幻想藝術愛好者的款待-從著名小說封面到光顧bestiaries到的40,000概念藝術, 通過真正的哥特幽默 , 幻想戰鬥, 龍, 野獸和噩夢般的世界.



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~ 克捷圖書精選原文書籍 - RODIN + CEZANNE ~

1套2冊 / 全彩印刷精裝 / #特價990元(免運費)

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《RODIN》18.5 x 18.5公分 / 212頁
Art was more important than anything else for the founder of modern sculpture and he created sculptures that would enjoy a lasting renown, including The Kiss, The Thinker, and The Burghers of Calais. These as well as numerous other sculptures are reproduced here with high-quality photos, showing the whole spectrum of Rodin's long and productive career.

《CEZANNE》18.5 x 18.5公分 / 288頁
Few painters are as well-known and admired as Czanne. His work focuses on subjects popular since the Renaissance: portraiture, figure studies, landscapes, and still lifes. However, the way the artist transformed these traditional motifs into an entirely new kind of painting is one of the great achievements of modern art.


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