~ 克捷圖書精選原文書籍 - Houses for All Regions : CRAN Residential Collection ~
27.5 x 25公分 / 232頁 / 全彩印刷精裝本
定價美金$49.95 / #特價990元(免運費)
House for All Regions: CRAN Residential Collection is the first in a series on international residential architecture produced by IMAGES Publishing in partnership with the American Institute of Architects (AIA). The projects are divided into four climate zones: Arid & Semi-arid, Temperate, Arctic and Sub-tropical & Tropical, and each illustrates how architects adapt their designs to accommodate the challenges posed by the local topography and variations in climate.
Containing cutting-edge residential designs by leading architects from across the world, including North America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Europe, and featuring rarely seen images, this collection underlines the sensitivity of today's architects to the natural environment, as well as the care and attention paid to interior design and everyday living.
所有地區的房子: 黑人住宅系列是與美國建築師協會合作出版的"國際 住宅 建築"系列中的第一個. 這些項目分為四個氣候區域: 乾旱和半乾旱, 溫帶, 北極和熱帶熱帶和熱帶, 每一個都表明建築師如何適應他們的設計, 以應對當地地形和氣候變化所帶來的挑戰.
包含來自世界各地的主要建築師, 包括北美, 加勒比, 亞洲和歐洲的尖端住宅設計, 以及很少看到的影象, 這個系列突出了今天建築師對自然環境的敏感性, 以及對自然環境的敏感性, 也強調了今天的建築師對自然環境的敏感性. 關心和關注室內設計和日常生活.
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